    208 oldal
  • ISBN:
    ISBN 9789635314638

Double State and the Doubling of the Legal System

Olvass bele!
  • KIADÓ:
    208 oldal
  • ISBN:
    ISBN 9789635314638

The chapters of the book analyze the changes in law and state observed in recent decades, duplicating on the one hand the democratic formation of the will of the state with the formation of law based on the constitutional court and other higher courts. This has also happened in most European countries and other continents, where there is a wide range of constitutional adjudication. In this process, in addition to the traditional areas of law (private law, criminal law, etc.), separate research has been established for the analysis of private constitutional law, constitutional criminal law, and constitutional labor law. In the context of these changes, a series of books and studies have been published in recent years in many countries under the name of constitutional private law, constitutional criminal law, etc. to explore dual system of law. This study aims to provide a general theoretical framework for these new trends.

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