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From the Lisbon Strategy to the Europe 2020 Strategy: Think European for the Global Action

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The Hungarian Prime Minister’s Office in cooperation with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences has initiated a research project to elaborate the strategic vision for the Spanish- Belgian-Hungarian team presidency. The strategic working group of Spanish, Belgian and Hungarian experts had their first meeting on 7-9 September 2007 in Hungary, at the nice resort place, Lillafüred. This process of the intensive SBH cooperation was followed by the second meeting in Brussels on 17-18 April 2008 and in Madrid on 12-13 March 2009. The experts of the SBH team presidency met again in Hungary, on 11-12 2009 in Gödöllő, near Budapest in the former Royal Palace in order to discuss the perspectives of the Spanish presidency as the first rotating presidency in the SBH team presidency. It was followed by a conference in Brussels on 27-28 April 2010 on the incoming Belgian presidency.

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